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You can find the unexpected if you are not looking for it.

„I design because it binds my love.“ In 1992 in Hildesheim, my professor summoned this thought. The idea thrilled me. Creative work could hardly be described more simply and precisely. Even today, the phrase keeps turning in my mind. When design encompasses a certain quality, it needs no explanation. The observer simply feels it.

The beginning. Even while studying product and metal design, I was less interested in a particular object than its impact on its surroundings. In which spatial-architectural context do I move? How does everything work together here? Does it harmonize? Are there calculated breaks? Or flukes?

This interest has continued to develop. At first, through my work as a stylist, primarily for publishers in Hamburg. There was also interior design and set design. Photography. Directing. Then again, a return to product design. Today, these disciplines are combined in a unique and integrated collaboration with various brands, primarily from the interior and design worlds.

I am interested in and inspired by people who develop their businesses with passion and authenticity. This is where I look for and find the trust that allows a vision grown within the company to merge with the view from outside.

Everything then becomes very simple and what we do takes on distinctive energy.

My way of working is mainly defined by playful ease and intuition. And it is invariably an incredible moment to arrive at the place where everything just flows. Being in a particular space, in a situation that inspires. Entire visual worlds are created here, new colors, shapes, combinations of materials—the unexpected.

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